Xtend takes a few of the “up and coming” young Christian leaders from a range of youth groups in the South Island, and puts them all in the same place for 4 days.
You will meet other like-minded young leaders,
while being XTENDED in your leadership gifts, abilities and skills.


Xtend is a chance for your teenager to be mentored in their leadership, and grow in character over a 4-day intensive training camp. Campers must attend Xtend with a youth leader within their church or other organisation. Please chat to them for more info.


Event Information:

Standard Registration: $285 (All meals Included)

Living Springs, 218 Bamfords Road, Allandale, RD1 Lyttelton 8971 

XTEND starts 9am on Monday 15th July and finishes 2pm on Thursday 18th July.

A full programme timetable & workshop list will be emailed out to attendees the week before XTEND.